Whilst investigating potential future methods of fashion consumption, I became interested in the idea that fashion could exist solely in the digital realm; negating the need to manufacture physical product. Further research revealed that this could be facilitated by technology that is already under development that would not require expensive wearables to facilitate life in an augmented reality world. The following extract describes the concept for Entity:
The timeline of technological development is accelerating at an ever increasing rate. It is predicted that artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to evolve to a point where computers are able to independently think and act for themselves, negating the need for human intervention entirely.
Some futurologists predict that unless human intelligence can be fast tracked to evolve at a similar rate, there is a real possibility that this technology will lead to the extinction of the human race.
A solution could be delivered by the minimally invasive insertion of a
brain computer interface (BCI). Facilitating a direct connection with the human brain and the digital realm. Fast tracking the evolution of human intelligence inline with that of artificial intelligence. Enabling the human brain to exist in a virtual reality world. Delivering the potential to digitally augment fashion onto the body at will and revolutionising fashion consumption forever.
Entity is a fashion brand that exists solely in the digital realm. It is a feeling, a mood, a moment. Entity is a pure and resonating expression of self. No constraints, no limits, no end...